Conclusions Addressing the dynamic landscape of couriers and logistics, the need to develop a robust framework becomes evident, given the current sustainability challenges inherent in these sectors. From the ecological impact of transportation to the efficient management of supply chains, a comprehensive framework is essential for navigating and mitigating the complexities that inhibit the industry’s sustainable evolution. In the context of the Couriers Go Green project, a framework has been developed, in order to help couriers and logistics companies to make a green shift. Depending on the company’s maturity level, the framework follows two different approaches, either to set up a new strategy or revise an existing one. In both cases, companies are invited to start with Phase 1 to assess their green status related to the status quo, the challenges, and the opportunities they face. Based on the preliminary assessment, companies are ready to start developing or updating the Green Strategy (Phase 2) and then its implementation plan assigning the necessary human and financial resources (Phase 3). In order to validate the green framework, as integrated in the TOOLBOX a Pilot test was performed in order to Methodology to Develop a NEW Strategy and Methodology to UPDATE an Existing Strategy showcased favourable results in terms of usability and utility. In the Usability category, the clarity and conciseness of language and presentation received high ratings from pilot testers. The NEW strategy earned an impressive average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars (88%), signifying strong approval for its comprehensibility and organization. Similarly, the UPDATE strategy achieved positive feedback, with all testers rating the language and presentation as 4 or 5 stars, resulting in an average rating of 4.3 stars (86%). Additionally, both strategies demonstrated high user-friendliness and accessibility, with satisfaction levels of 84%. The NEW strategy, although generally well-received, displayed some variability in ratings, indicating potential areas for improvement. However, the UPDATE strategy garnered consistent positive feedback, with 90% of testers acknowledging its adaptability to changing conditions. Moving on to the Utility aspect, both strategies aligned effectively with organizational objectives. The NEW strategy received an impressive average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars (92%), indicating a strong agreement with the strategy’s alignment with the organization’s vision, mission, values, and goals. The UPDATE strategy demonstrated a high level of alignment as well, with an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars (88%). Furthermore, the feasibility and realism of objectives, strategies, and actions proposed in both strategies were generally well-received, with an average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars (80%) for the NEW strategy and 4.2 out of 5 stars for the UPDATE strategy. The communication of benefits and challenges, efficient resource utilization, and incorporation of feedback and lessons learned were also positively assessed for both strategies, reflecting their effectiveness and comprehensive approach to planning. In conclusion, the presented methodology provides a dynamic and iterative framework, promoting sustainability, and resilience in the courier and transportation sector. The integration of continuous assessment, stakeholder collaboration, and strategic planning positions companies to not only meet current environmental expectations but also to proactively address future challenges in a rapidly changing world.