Couriers Go Green

UPDATE a Green Strategy

Methodology to UPDATE a Green Strategy

Phase 1: Revision of the assessment of green status of the company

Revision of a company’s assessment of its green status is an important process to ensure that the company meets its goals and makes progress toward a more sustainable future. The upcoming phase will follow the same approach as Phase 1 of the methodology to develop new green strategies, as outlined in section 4.1 of this document. The structure and resources that were used in Phase 1 will also be available for this phase. To prevent repetition, this chapter will not include the same information as before.


Phase 2: Revision of the Green Strategy

Introduction to Phase 2
This phase should involve a wide range of actors participating in the strategy development working group, to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the existing green strategy and implementation plan. This diverse participation will bring different perspectives and expertise, enriching the review process and allowing for the effective identification of opportunities for improvement.


Steps in Phase 2

Step 1: Define the strategy and /or implementation update plan

Objective: For the successful revision of the green strategy, it is recommended to engage the individuals who contributed during its development to define the plan to update the strategy. Thus, the strategy update working group should be set to provide their expertise. The plan for updating the strategy involves practical considerations such as assigning a group responsible for drafting the strategy document. Typically, this group comprises sustainability and technical experts from the relevant sectors. Finally, it is also crucial to establish monitoring mechanisms to track the implementation of the strategy.

Actions: Table 9 can serve as a guideline of actions to define the strategy and /or implementation update plan, tasks that should be implemented, as well as the responsible people/teams and possible methods to complete those tasks.


Table 9: Actions to define the strategy and /or implementation update plan, Phase 2, Step 1

Task Responsible Possible methods
Define the strategy and/or implementation update plan Strategy update working group At the company level set a group of technical experts to draft the document.
Recommended resources

It will be helpful for the responsible to consult:

  • Results of the implementation of the previous green strategy (Monitoring phase, Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy,  Phase 3, step 1)
  • Assessment of green status (Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy, Phase 1, Step 2)
  • Inspiration from the catalogue of green solutions and best practice examples including business models for identifying other relevant stakeholders to engage in the strategy preparation (Annex A).

Step 2: Analyse opportunities for improvement in the strategy and the implementation plan

Objective: Using the assessment of the company’s green status, the responsible can initiate an analysis of the current green challenges in the courier and transport priority areas. These challenges may have already been identified during the implementation of the green strategy, so it is advisable to conduct interviews with selected experts and representatives to help identify the main issues to be considered when updating the strategy. In addition, the responsible will identify areas where the existing strategy and implementation plan can be strengthened and optimized, enhance the accountability and monitoring mechanisms to track the progress and ensure continuous improvement. It is crucial to align with the evolving sustainability objectives and the latest industry best practices and improve the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the initiatives being implemented.

Actions: Table 10 can serve as a guideline of actions to analyse opportunities for improvement in the strategy and the implementation plan, tasks that should be implemented, as well as the responsible people/teams and possible methods to complete those tasks.


Table 10: Actions to analyse opportunities for improvement in the strategy and the implementation plan, Phase 2, Step 2

Task Responsible Possible methods
Evaluate the current green strategy and implementation plan Strategy update working group Review the existing green strategy and implementation plan in detail, considering its objective, initiatives, targets, and timelines.

Assess the clarity, coherence, and relevance of the defined goals and actions considering current environmental challenges and trends.

Gather feedback and insights Strategy update working group Engage with relevant stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and industry experts, to gather feedback on the existing green strategy.

Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand their perspectives, suggestions, and concerns regarding the implemented initiatives.

Get help from external sustainability consultants or experts who specialize in strategy review and optimization.

Benefit from their experience and best practices for evaluating and improving the existing strategy.

Incorporate the feedback received to identify areas for improvement and align the strategy with stakeholder expectations.

Collaborate with operational teams Strategy update working group Get their views on challenges, successes, and potential improvements in terms of strategy implementation.

Draw on their operational knowledge and experience to identify practical opportunities for improvement.

Benchmark Against Best Practices Strategy update working group Benchmark your existing green strategy against industry best practices, guidelines, and standards.
Recommended resources

It will be helpful for the responsible to consult:

  • Current green strategy vision
  • Assessment of green status (Methodology to set up NEW Green Strategy, Phase 1, Step 2)
  • Identified challenges and opportunities, SWOT analysis (Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy, Phase 1, Step 3)
  • Results of the implementation of the previous green strategy (Monitoring phase, Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy,  Phase 3, step 1)
  • Catalogue of green solutions and best practice examples might inspire initiatives and business models to deploy at the company’s level (Annex A).

Step 3: Update priority areas, corresponding main and specific goals

Objective: During this step, the responsible will ensure that all necessary updates, modifications, or additions to the strategy’s priority areas are considered. Whenever a new priority area is considered necessary the responsible should verify that it aligns with the company’s vision and does not overlap with any other priority area.

The involvement of relevant experts and stakeholders and the feedback they provide will play a crucial role in determining whether new priority areas are needed or if changes should be made to the original strategic framework. Just like in the strategy development phase, any new or updated priority areas must have a clear main goal and specific goals, which will be reflected in the updated implementation plan.

Actions: Table 11 can serve as a guideline of actions to update priority areas, corresponding main and specific goals, tasks that should be implemented, as well as the responsible people/teams and possible methods to complete those tasks.


Table 11: Actions to update priority areas, corresponding main and specific goals, Phase 2, Step 3

Task Responsible Possible methods
Update, if necessary, the priority areas, main and specific goals Strategy update working group The consultation process with engaged experts and teams
Recommended resources

It will be helpful for the user to consult:

  • Current green strategy vision
  • Results from the revision of the green status assessment analysis (Methodology to UPDATE a Green Strategy, Phase 1)
  • Analysis of sustainability challenges from interviews with experts (Methodology to UPDATE a Green Strategy, Phase 1, Step 2)
  • Results of green strategy implementation (Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy, monitoring of KPIs)
  • The Catalogue of green solutions and the best practice examples might inspire key enabling aspects and/or good practices to deploy (Annex A)
  • Policies to support green business models: Related materials might aid in identifying areas of priority, based on supporting policies identified and good examples (Annex A)
  • Training in green & sustainable sectors: might inspire skills and knowledge to be reinforced in the key sectors

Phase 3: Update of the Implementation Plan

Introduction to Phase 3
In this phase, the implementation plan is suggested to be designed to set the action map to achieve the updated goals set in Phase 2. The plan should present in detail how all goals will be reached, the human and financial resources that will be allocated, as well as the monitoring mechanism of the updated strategy.

Who to involve in this phase?
It is recommended to involve the same actors as in Phase 2.


Steps in Phase 3

Step 1: Revision and update of the implementation plan for the green strategy

Objective: During this step, new actions can be incorporated into the implementation plan within both current and newly identified priority areas. This process aligns with the feasibility of the updated strategy, drawing upon the analysis of the strategy implementation, the underlying challenges within the transportation and logistics sectors, as well as the final decisions made by the strategy update working group.

Action: Table 12 can serve as a guideline of actions to revise and update the implementation plan for the green strategy, tasks that should be implemented, as well as the responsible people/teams and possible methods to complete those tasks.


Table 12: Actions to revise and update the implementation plan for the green strategy, Phase 3, Step 1

Task Responsible Possible methods
Based on Step 2, update (if necessary) specific activities in the implementation plan to correspond to the updated priority areas and specific goals. Strategy update working group Working groups and feedback rounds with the decision-level groups.
Recommended resources

It will be helpful for the responsible to consult:

  • Current company’s green strategy vision
  • Update priority areas and goals (Methodology to UPDATE a Green Strategy, Phase 2, Step 2)
  • Catalogue of green solutions (Annex A)
  • Best practice examples (Annex A)
  • Training material in the courier & transportation sector
  • Relevant tools (Annex A)

Step 2: Assign new financial mechanisms and resources to the updated strategy & implementation plan

Objective: Similarly, to Step 2 (Section 4.3.2), specific financial and policy mechanisms should be assigned to the revised

Action: Table 13 can serve as a guideline of actions to assign new financial mechanisms and resources to the updated strategy & implementation plan, tasks that should be implemented, as well as the responsible people/teams and possible methods to complete those tasks.


Table 13: Actions to assign new financial mechanisms and resources to the updated strategy & implementation plan, Phase 3, Step 2

Task Responsible Possible methods
Revise current resources used in the existing green strategy and implementation plan and conduct a gap analysis to identify those that could support the updated priority areas, goals, and actions Strategy update working group

Financial expert

Business development expert

Evaluate the application and effectiveness of the already implemented mechanisms (monitoring of KPIs)
Recommended resources

It will be helpful for the responsible to consult:

  • Updated priority areas and goals (Methodology to UPDATE a Green Strategy, Phase 2, Step 2)
  • Repository of policies to support green business models (Annex A)
  • Repository of financial instruments (Annex A)

Step 3: Updated green strategy and implementation plan

Objective: The final updated strategy and implementation plan documents should incorporate the results of the previous steps, taking into account available resources and dependencies, and setting realistic timelines. Monitoring and evaluation of key performance indicators (KPIs) help to track progress and identify areas for improvement, while risk assessment and mitigation strategies facilitate the address of potential obstacles. Finally, considering scalability and sustainability aspects throughout the strategy and implementation plan development will ensure the long-term impact of the green initiatives and the growth of the company. The strategy update working group will run this process, conducting a final consultation round with relevant individuals within group members, and finally approve the strategy document and implementation plan.

Action: Table 14 can serve as a guideline of actions to assign new financial mechanisms and resources to the updated strategy & implementation plan, tasks that should be implemented, as well as the responsible people/teams and possible methods to complete those tasks.


Table 14: Actions to update the green strategy and implementation plan, Phase 3, Step 3

Task Responsible Possible methods
Finalizing the green strategy and the implementation plan Strategy development working group Final consultation with working group members and relevant stakeholders

Analysis of consultation feedback with the decision-level team and advisory group. Include approved changes to the final documents.

Recommended resources

It will be helpful for the responsible to consult:

  • Determined priority areas and their main goals (Methodology to UPDATE a Green Strategy, Phase 2, Step 2)
  • Derived specific goals, specific actions and responsible for implementation (Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy, Phase 3, Step 1)
  • Assign specific financial mechanisms and resources to the defined specific actions (Methodology to set up a NEW Green Strategy, Phase 3, Step 3)
  • Feedback from the consultation process to the final drafts of the strategy and implementation plan
  • Template E (Annex A)

Step 4: Define how to execute and monitor the implementation plan

This step will follow the same approach as in Step 4 of Phase 3 of the methodology to develop new green strategies, as outlined in section 4.3.2 of this document. The structure and resources that were used in that step will also be available for this phase. To prevent repetition, this step will not include the same information as before.









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