Couriers Go Green

Methodology Workflow of the Framework

Methodology workflow of the Framework

Depending on the company’s maturity level, the methodology follows two different approaches. Thus, the first step is to identify whether the companies have an existing Green Strategy and wish to update it, or if there is a non-existent Green Strategy and they wish to set it up.

Figure 2 depicts the workflow related to the CGG methodology to be applied for companies aiming to develop or update their green strategy. The logical streams go through three main Phases, representing the most important actions of the development or revision of a green strategy.


Figure 2: Main phases of the methodology

Companies are invited to start with Phase 1 to assess their green status related to the status quo, the challenges, and the opportunities they face. Based on the preliminary assessment, companies are ready to start developing or updating the Green Strategy (Phase 2) and then its implementation plan assigning the necessary human and financial resources (Phase 3).

The methodology consists of a consecutive sequence of Steps within each Phase, as shown in the figures below. However, each phase and step are self-contained and not dependent on the others. The suggested order is only a recommendation to ensure that no relevant information is overlooked during the process, but users can skip steps that they have already completed before using this methodology. The decision to follow all the steps or navigate randomly through the available information is up to the users.

Figure 3: Methodology workflow for developing a Green Strategy


Figure 4: Methodology workflow for updating a Green Strategy

The following chapters describe the phases and steps in detail for each approach (New and Updated Strategy), including the necessary resources to implement them. To this end, there are some clarifications to facilitate the understanding of the Framework and how the final users can have access to the resources available in the digital TOOLBOX and how to use them.

In particular, for each Phase an introduction as well as a steps’ description is included. In detail:

Introduction of the Phase:
Each phase includes a short introduction that describes the aim of the phase and what the user can expect. It also includes a reference titled “Who to involve in this phase?” to provide complementary information on the target groups needed to engage in each phase.

Steps overview:
Each phase describes the sequence of steps to be followed. Each step includes the following information:

The objective of the step, clarifying what the user will gain at the end of each step.

An indication of how to use the resources available in that step.

Available Material:
It clarifies which are the available resources (type of resource). In the TOOLBOX, at this point, the user will be able to download or access the resources indicated.







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