Couriers Go Green

Author name: tourniss_r8dsokn1

Couriers Go Green Newsletter #5 has been published

As our project’s planning and developing period is reaching to its end we have more and more activities and offline events happening. Read the news about these in our Newsletter #5. Topics include: 19 November a Multiplier Event in Hungary was hosted by our partner, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where our stakeholders could meet the project’s international experts who presented the CGG e-HUB’s user-friendly interactive tools, as well as meet some other professionals who shared their insights about the delivery and logistics sector. A short description of the CGG professional certification scheme, developed by our partner ISONIKE. Our digital education program adheres to the ISO/IEC standards. A review about the results coming from 40 stakeholders in 4 different European countries who have tested the tools and learning materials of the CGG e-Hub in our pilot. A short summary of the CGG project closure meeting held in Budapest with the participation of our partner organisations who were involved in developing the Couriers Go Green project, e-Hub and website. You can find the newsletter here: Couriers Go Green Newsletter #5 

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Greening Goods Deliveries – underpin courier and transportation companies to green their operations event

Greening Goods Deliveries – underpin courier and transportation companies to green their operations event, 13 December 2024, online, co-organized by Couriers Go Green and DigiGreeNPost projects. Meet the projects’ international experts who will present the Couriers go Green set of user-friendly interactive tools and DigiGreeNPost outcomes for professionals of the courier, postal, and delivery services and policy-makers of the sector. Listen to the success story and experience of courier company Posta Romana from both projects and be part of knowledge sharing and networking! Book an e-seat now at:     Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Multiplier Event in Budapest

CCG project’s next multiplier event is 19 November 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. You can meet the project’s international experts who will present the CGG HUB’s set of user-friendly interactive tools (Measure my Green Readiness Self-Assessment Tool, Strategic Planning Green Framework, Couriers Go Green e-Course, and the Professional Certification) for professionals of the courier, postal, and delivery services and policy-makers of the sector.   More information and registration:  

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Multiplier Event in Greece

The “Couriers Go Green” Multiplier Event, held on September 4, 2024, at the Kazarma Hotel by Plastiras Lake, was a resounding success, attracting more than 30 key stakeholders from the courier and delivery sector, and researchers. The event served as a platform for promoting sustainable practices within the logistics and delivery industries, fostering discussions on eco-friendly solutions and technologies, while presenting for the first time the “Couriers Go Green” e-learning hub and certification. The successful event marked a significant milestone in the “Couriers Go Green” initiative, which aims to create a greener future for the delivery sector. Attendees left inspired, ready to implement eco-friendly practices and push the boundaries of sustainability within their organizations.

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CGG Multiplier Events

Our project reached to its phase when we start our dissemination in the form of multiplier events. The first awareness raising event of Couriers Go Green where you can hear the project’s experts is 4. September 2024. CGG presents a set of user-friendly interactive tools that provide education and training to professionals in regard to governance, management and operations for the transportation and delivery of goods, to guide towards developing and implementing green strategies. The ‘Greening Goods Deliveries’ session takes place in Greece, on the first day of #CSuM2024. For more information check out:

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