Sceme 1 – GREEK Leave a Comment / By tourniss_r8dsokn1 / November 6, 2024 Welcome to your CGG Training Certification "CGG GO Expert" Full Name* Email* The transition of a courier company to green last-mile delivery depends exclusively on the following three parameters: The availability of the company’s resources and expertise; the existing regulations and policy incentives; the technological and technical capacity of the city. True False None Care dintre următoarele este o prioritate a programului Interreg? Creșterea utilizării combustibililor fosili Sporirea excluziunii sociale O Europă mai inteligentă cu investiții în inovare Reducerea cooperării regionale None According to the text, which of the following is NOT listed as a characteristic of the big data-driven future of transportation? More sustainable Highly personalized Completely autonomous More equitable None What is the primary benefit of using cargo bikes in urban deliveries? Higher payload capacity Faster speeds than cars Lower insurance costs Ability to bypass traffic congestion None Which AI technique trains autonomous vehicles using rewards and punishments? Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning Deep learning None Upcycling involves transforming waste materials into new materials of lesser quality and functionality. True False None Care este scopul principal al EIT Urban Mobility's Innovation Hub? Să dezvolte proiecte de agricultură urbană Să îmbunătățească mobilitatea urbană și să reducă congestionarea și poluarea Să finanțeze evenimente culturale în orașele europene Să promoveze turismul în zonele urbane None Which of the following strategies is primarily used to optimize delivery efficiency by minimizing unnecessary routes? Batching orders Eco-driving Use of drones On-Demand Delivery None Care dintre următoarele sunt componente-cheie ale strategiei UE pentru tranziția ecologică în logistica urbană? (Selectați toate variantele care se aplică) Dublarea traficului feroviar de marfă Revizuirea standardelor de performanță privind emisiile de CO2 pentru vehiculele grele Dezvoltarea de noi modele de distribuție Eliminarea treptată a transportului public What is a primary advantage of paperless operations for transport companies? Increased physical storage space Faster document processing Reduced paper use and secure electronic documentation Better employee morale None Local transport operators can contribute to the conduction of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) by participating in the (Multiple choice with more than one correct answer): Assessment of alternative scenarios and design of the city’s vision for sustainable mobility. Development and adoption of SUMP measures. Identification of accomplishments, short-comings and potential improvements from the implementation of the SUMP measures. Official adoption of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. Eco-friendly packaging not only reduces environmental impact but also offers economic benefits through cost savings and compliance with environmental regulations. True False None What type of data is used for real-time route optimization in navigation apps? Historical traffic data Real-time traffic data Weather data Road sensor data None Proiectul "Decarbonizarea transportului în Europa" a fost inițiat, finanțat și susținut de __________ pentru a dezvolta modele avansate ale activității de transport în Europa. Cuvinte date: Parlamentul European Banca Mondială Organizația Națiunilor Unite Comisia Europeană None Educating customers about eco-friendly practices does not significantly impact their delivery choices. True False None Eco-driving strategies include maintaining steady speeds and proper tire inflation to improve fuel efficiency. True False None Care sunt acțiunile recomandate pentru accelerarea tranziției către transportul cu emisii reduse de carbon? (Selectați toate variantele care se aplică) Conceperea unor pachete de stimulare pentru redresarea economică Investiția în infrastructura digitală de transport Sprijinirea operatorilor de transport cu angajamente de durabilitate condiționate Creșterea dependenței de combustibilii fosili The increase in the demand for last-mile delivery mainly derives from (Multiple choice with more than one correct answer): Growth of urban population and activity. Increasing globalization as well as product and service personalization. Greening of urban logistics. Rise of electronic commerce. Ce procent de energie regenerabilă din energia eoliană și solară este vizat până în anul 2030? 25% 31,5% 32% 40% 90% None A sustainable transport system aims to be able to address the mobility needs for passengers as well as for goods today and in the future. True False None