Couriers Go Green

Couriers Go Green Newsletter #5 has been published

As our project’s planning and developing period is reaching to its end we have more and more activities and offline events happening. Read the news about these in our Newsletter #5.

Topics include:

  • 19 November a Multiplier Event in Hungary was hosted by our partner, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where our stakeholders could meet the project’s international experts who presented the CGG e-HUB’s user-friendly interactive tools, as well as meet some other professionals who shared their insights about the delivery and logistics sector.

  • A short description of the CGG professional certification scheme, developed by our partner ISONIKE. Our digital education program adheres to the ISO/IEC standards.

  • A review about the results coming from 40 stakeholders in 4 different European countries who have tested the tools and learning materials of the CGG e-Hub in our pilot.

  • A short summary of the CGG project closure meeting held in Budapest with the participation of our partner organisations who were involved in developing the Couriers Go Green project, e-Hub and website.

You can find the newsletter here: Couriers Go Green Newsletter #5 

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